Please accept my apologies, again, for my previous long blog silence. I am well in health and not much worse off in spirit – but I am terribly busy and very likely to re-lapse into silence until after December 15th.
I should explain that the Korean school calendar, unlike the US school calendar, runs from March 2 – December 31st. For me, this year’s approach of Christmas is complicated by final test proof-reading (for others) and planning final lessons (for me). This is distracting – but what is downright arduous is that I have agreed to teach sessions at an “English Camp” for English teachers during the January 2007 school break. I believed that this would provide good teaching experience. In fact, I still believe this; however, I have found that I will be paying for this experience with the time and effort that it will take to write a 23-paged “manuscript” for the class while the compensation is… underwhelming. That said, I continue to draw my regular salary (good deal) and the experience will be good. But I now have less than 10 days to plan curriculum and write the manuscript. While this is within my capabilities, my blog postings will suffer.
Please forgive me if this is all ‘til December 16th – but (as always), I have lots more to share with you all.
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