Dear Family and Friends,
Recently, after signing an official document stating my intention to not renew my employment contract with the city of Daegu, I found my hands shaking. I sucked in a steadying breath and discovered my whole body shaking. I had no second thoughts; nonetheless, with a few strokes of a pen, I had thrown away a job I love and a secure home. Although I am employed for another three months, mentally I have already begun the process of parting. Well, at the very least, I’ve begun the pre-departure list of things to do. On that list, as always, is this blog.
A few months ago, on January 12, 2008 to be exact, I attempted to explain why I do not write about my life in Korea as I write about my travels. Of course, my answer to that question was complicated but boiled down to worry. Look, travel writing of the pedestrian sort that I practice is easy because I merely weave together random facts and impressions. I’m careful to keep these truthful but inaccuracies can easily be excused with, “well, those were just my impressions” or “well, I was only there for 3 hours.” But to write about the people I live amongst, the people that I love, even if I stick to “my impressions,” compels me to represent them fairly, with accuracy – but I worry that I may not be able to write about Korea either fairly or accurately. And yet, you may recall that I ended that January entry by asking, “if I do not share the Korea that I love – garbage and all – with you all now, then when shall I?”
Obviously, I need to share the Korea I know with you all now. Before I go. Therefore, my goal is to write 5 entries a week about Korea for the entire month of June. Wish me luck… and hold me to it, ok?

My friend Park, EunKyeong jumping for joy by the seaside in Gampo.
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